Learn how to set, maintain & establish healthy boundaries for themselves when it comes to personal power, relationships, career & etc.
We will learn how important healthy boundaries are for our lives by setting and respecting them. We will explore all these aspects of setting healthy boundaries:
-Self-awareness & checking in with ourself to figure out what we need in our various relationships
-Embracing our self-worth, esteem & establishing what standards we will hold for ourself in how we let others treat us
- Learn how we are not responsible for the other person's reaction to the boundary we set
-Helpful ways of effective communication
-How to seek support for others
-How to be direct in establishing our boundaries with others
-Our own feelings & emotional management & more....
We are accepting any amount of donation as a fee for all our virtual learning workshops. Whatever you can afford is very much appreciated. Guests will be able to access our educational & empowering workshops from home with a donation fee.
Guests can download a packet of resourceful information based on the topic of the workshop and will access the virtual workshop via email.
If you have registered for the workshop but did not receive the an email the day of please email us at noteworthyresourcesalbany@gmail.com to let us know since we do not have complete access to our social media accounts during the workshops.
If you cannot attend this workshop at this time you can schedule a time with Tatiana to have your own virtual learning workshop with her about any of the chakras. Email her at noteworthyresourcesalbany@gmail.com or visit our website www.nwralbany.org to take any of our Noteworthy workshops virtually!