In this ceremony we will be calling in flourishment and growth for the Spring Equinox. A cacao ceremony involves gathering in a circle with intention, breathwork, music, and drinking ceremonial grade cacao. This tradition dates back hundreds of years, to pre-hispanic time, in Central and South America. Cacao has been known in these cultures as a heart opener and heart healer.
This is an experience that is safe and gentle. Kitty is offering this ceremony with respect to our plant teachers and utmost humility to the participants. It is her hope to educate participants about the history and benefits of drinking cacao. We will journey together through breathwork, floral meditation, journaling, and a group activity.
Sharing this type of space can be a healing and powerful, yet tender experience for participants. The benefits of surrendering during a cacao ceremony include reconnecting to yourself, deeper connection with a community of like minded souls, uplifting your spirit, opening your heart chakra, intention setting, developing empathy, getting clarity, and increasing your intuition.