Let's join forces and talk about taking our path to empowerment by getting our sh*t done, FOR REAL! This workshop will focus on the essentials of how we can get our life together by organizing your time, energy & money, as well as deploying those resources wisely, group activities and have an open discussion with others for networking, advice, new ideas and to empower each other to GET OUR LIVES!!!
Hosted by Tatiana of NWR, she will be providing a packet of useful information and a chance for like-minded individuals from our community to come together!
If you hate your job, your apartment, your friends, your body, the way people see you, what society enforces, and etc. --What are you going to do about it? Are you going to let it go or get your life before life gets you? Are you going to let stuff go because "that is just how it is" or are you going to stand up for yourself, your being, your soul, spirit and will to live a life that is worth living? (ticket fee $20)